Dear twelve-year-old Kit,

This is Sara. She’s going to teach you how to live out loud. 

When you start middle school, you’ll be the new kid. Keep your eyes peeled by the dodgeball courts, though, because that’s where you two will first meet. And although she’s a fierce competitor on the schoolyard, you’ll be one of the lucky ones granted access to her tender side. After spending countless nights at the movie theater together, getting into constant trouble with your parents, and riding bikes until the street lights came on – it’s no surprise why you become so close. 

I think that’s one of the things that’ll first draw you to Sara – you each march to the beat of your own drum. The problem is, you’ve spent the past few years in ADHD doctor offices where they were trying to take those drums away. Sara’s going to teach you how to beat them louder than ever before.

She doesn’t pay attention to the social standards set by the cool kids– she’ll foster an environment for you where you can be the most authentic version of yourself. I’m actually surprised how you didn’t reveal each other’s little secret sooner – but once you eventually do, it’ll be a beautiful moment.

Now, when I say “live out loud”, I don’t mean you have to get a sleeve tattoo. What I mean is, Sara’s going to show you the inherent benefits of not building walls around you just because you’re a little different – she lets the light shine through so everyone can see how truly magical she is. A constant theme in your cycling career will be you pushing against the status quo of every rider being told to look the same, act the same, and read off the same script. You’ll become a fierce advocate for rider individuality that doesn’t stop the moment you unclip. That’s not you trying to stick it to the man, it’s because you’ll have seen the unimaginable greatness that can come from one’s individuality.

The beauty of Sara’s lesson is, for you, the moment you officially unclip is the moment you’ll lean in to the most authentic version of yourself. You’ll finally let the light shine through, unafraid of what people see. That’s not just a lesson, that’s a gift. 

More to come,
Twenty-seven-year-old Kit